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Sports Betting Experices

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Sports Betting Experices

Don't talk nonsense; I'm also a beginner, so I'm gaining experience.


I only bet on big things and avoid small bets. To bet on smaller things, you typically have to bet early, but soccer balls stimulate purity for 45 minutes, so I don't bet on big things or try to bet on small things.I don't understand the odds or have much interest in the matches. I bet on a game once, and if I win, I move on. When I bet, I only focus on the odds. I bet in the 20-30 minute range of the first half, and if I can't wait, I bet on 0.5/1 game between the 20th and 25th minutes. If I have patience, I bet 0.5 games between the 25th and 30th minutes, but I don't bet if there are no goals or too many goals. If the odds are exceptionally high after 30 minutes, I can still bet. Usually, I have a script, and I don't bet on the other games. I don't bet on games that lose a goal early, and high-scoring games (several goals per minute) are only for beginners; professionals should avoid them. In the second half, I follow the same strategy, starting my bets in the last 30 minutes of the game. I don't bet on games with odds higher than X.7530. If you bet on two games at the same time, it's less risky. Since there are many games in a day, I only focus on games with strong odds and avoid the rest.


I rarely consider the odds, especially in games with many scripts that are hard to understand. In women's basketball, you can bet on smaller things, except when individual games have no scripts. I purchase after the first 5 minutes of each quarter and keep an eye on the game. In the first 5 minutes, I watch the game directly. If there's a significant point difference, and the trailing side commits 4 fouls or has already committed 4 fouls, it's a mindless purchase. If the offensive efficiency in the first 5 minutes is high, you should buy that. I observe the current game and the entire game, and if necessary, the split screen of the trailing side. If you want to pursue the first half over, you can do so when the point difference is at its highest. Waiting until the closing moments is also fine because fewer remaining minutes make scenario changes difficult, minimizing risks. Buy at the start of each quarter; buying two quarters in one game covers most of the game. The third and fourth quarters are easier to bet on because it's easier to put water in. Betting on basketball is tough; you need to observe game trends frequently. There are many basketball scenarios, so I typically buy games with a large point spread to find games that I can watch.

General Betting Strategy:

The text mentions consistent commentary on all games. The author aims for daily winnings of 300 yuan. They bet a maximum of two bets per half in soccer and two bets per game in basketball. They have a specific plan for each day and recommend not winning more than 1,000 yuan in a day, as too much betting can lead to losses. Control your losses if you lose, don't try to recover immediately. Maintain composure and don't have the 'seed pig' mentality. The author emphasizes the importance of controlling your spending and maintaining composure, even if you've experienced significant losses in the past. Additionally, the author mentions specific odds ranges for safe betting in the text.

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